General partner

Letové prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky

The mission of the State Enterprise Air Traffic Services of the Slovak Republic is to provide air navigation services in the airspace and at designated airports of the Slovak Republic.
The basic task of LPS SR is to prevent aircraft collisions in the air and on the ground, to make the most appropriate use of airspace, to organise and manage the flow of air traffic, to provide advice and information necessary for the safe conduct of flights in the defined airspace and at the designated airports of the Slovak Republic.
LPS SR, š. p. provides:
– Air Traffic Services
– Flight telecommunication services
– Aeronautical information service
– Search and rescue service
– Training centre services
– Advisory services
– Flight procedure design
– Flight calibration
The roles of Flight Operations Services are:
– Prevent collisions between aircraft;
– Prevent aircraft collisions with obstacles on the operating surface;
– maintain a smooth and orderly flow of air traffic;
– provide advice and information appropriate to the safe and economical conduct of flights;
– inform the appropriate organisations of aircraft to be searched for or for which a rescue service is to be provided and cooperate with those organisations as appropriate.

The priorities of LPS SR, š. p. are:
– Safety
Safety of air traffic is a fundamental criterion in the provision of air navigation services and their technical provision.
– Quality
In order to provide its services in a safe, efficient, continuous and sustainable manner by establishing and maintaining a management system in accordance with STN EN ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, Requirements.
– Modern technology
The technical equipment for the provision of air traffic services includes in particular modern communication, navigation, surveillance and flight data processing systems.
– Human resources
The basis for the successful fulfilment of the set development objectives of the company is qualified staff through quality staff training combined with close professional specialisation, in particular of air traffic controllers, but also of operational and technical staff.
More here
Linkedin: LPS SR
Instagram: @letove_prevadzkove_sluzby

Main partners
